Originally Posted by deepmartini
Hi, will this work the OTHER way around? Say a user registers via Wordpress, then goes to click on vbulletin forum. Will they be transported over via the database? Will they already be logged in? How can I get this plugin to work this way too? I have a wordpress membership site that users must register and signup via. I don't want them to have to sign up again via vbulletin and have duplicate entries. I also don't want to send them to vbulletin to sign up then have them resent back to Wordpress. How can I get this to work from signup on Wordpress and pushed into vbulletin? Many thanks for you help!!! I sincerely appreciate it. Warm Regards, Robert
It would be wise to disable registration in WP and just make the links to registration go to your VB registration.. The bridge does not share registrations in that way. Basically it is ONLY using the VB user tables and ignoring WP. If you deactivate the plugin, it goes back to using Wordpress (and the users that were there before you installed the plugin).