Hi, very excited about this mod, but I am having an issue, and I believe it is because I have custom code in my header that allows users to login at the very top of my page.
Users are able to sign up through the fb connect, but then it will not log the user in. Here is my code that I use in my header:
PHP Code:
// get vbulletin login info
$vbuserid = $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'];
$vbusername = $vbulletin->userinfo['username'];
$vbpmtotal = $vbulletin->userinfo['pmtotal'];
$vbpmunread = $vbulletin->userinfo['pmunread'];
if ($vbuserid > 0) {
$vblogouthash = $vbulletin->userinfo['logouthash'];
if ($vbpmunread > 0) {
$vbwelcome = "Welcome ".$vbusername.". <a href=\"/forum/private.php\" class=\"toplinkpm\">Private Messages:</a> Unread ".$vbpmunread.", Total ".$vbpmtotal.".";
} else {
$vbwelcome = "Welcome ".$vbusername.". <a href=\"/forum/private.php\" class=\"toplink\">Private Messages:</a> Unread ".$vbpmunread.", Total ".$vbpmtotal.".";
Do I need to edit this code to recognize the FB connect users?
Thanks for any help.