Originally Posted by Alfa1
I think the best that can be done is show how many (un)satisfied customers a coder has, but Paul posted some time ago that a coder rating system will not happen anytime soon.
He may of told us but that dont stop us asking
Again does it.
A board is not about the staff please remember that - its about time they stood back and actually listened to what the members are asking for.How many posts/threads have been on here over the yrs regarding the same subject,and how many members have left vb.org simply because its like banging your head off a brick wall,because the staff dont ever want to listen to what others have to say or implement anything that would make the board much safer for ALL members.An ebay feedback system would be the perfect tool.
Who really cares if its open to abuse,its more than we got at the moment,which is nothing.
The current system as it stands is open to abuse and it certainly does get abused simply because there is no comeback on either party if things fall apart.
Final Note : If you not willing to help then you should consider removing the Paid for requests section until you can come up with a better solution.