How do you un-ban someone?
How do you un-ban someone?
I had a setting wrong and the Vbulletin automatically banned my test account when I tried to register it.
I accidently had my settings set to "Yes" for "Require Unique Email Addresses"
"The default option is to require unique email addresses for each registered user. This means that no two users can have the same email address. You can disable this requirement by setting this option to 'No'."
So I switched it to No, and I still cannot register with a test account. It keeps coming up with:
The following errors occurred during your registration
The administrator has banned your email address. To contact the administrator click here
The email address is not in the "Banned Email Addresses" area. ACP> User Banning Option > Banned Email Addresses nor is the IP address banned.
So where else can it be? There has got to be a log that I'm not finding....