As an ASP code writer, that doesn't even make sense to me. How can the user-supplied variable name (John Smith), combined with the system-supplied variable data (My Cool Nifty Forum Name), be stored as a static piece of data in the phrase manager?
Are you telling me that the FROM name -- the name a person types into the Contact Us form (sendmail.php) -- which is then combined with an "@", followed by the name of the forum -- is somehow stored in the phrase manager? This is neither in the subject, nor in the body of the message. It's the "from" name used in the e-mail header (and displayed as the from name in e-mail software or webmail).
If so, fine, I won't worry about figuring it out -- but please let me know where that location is. I'm not seeing which phrase needs to be edited, nor what syntax to edit.
I didn't write vBulletin, so I don't know how some of this thing operates. It's foreign technology to me. It's why I'm asking for help on the forum. I've been using it for less than a year now.
In the world of ASP, I'd be editing the ASP file, to change how the data is being used between the HTML form and the sent-to-SMTP e-mail.
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Come to think of it ....
If you know the phrase that I need to change -- which it appears you do -- why am I being treated like an idiot, being told to "go search", instead of being given some friendly help? Would it be the end of the world to know WHICH PHRASE is the one that needs to be edited, maybe even what that new syntax should be?
Am I expected to get on my knees and bow down to the awesome knowledge of long-time vB users, like a medieval peasant looking for a bread scrap as well-to-do citizens of the kingdom travel by my hovel? Do egos have to be stroked first?