How to Stream SHOUTcast streams thru the XEON
Right to get Shoutcast stream to play in the Mp3 player all you need really is the IP address and Port number.
Here's an example:;stream.nsv&type=mp3
You would enter the above in the url field. Now this is how any shoutcast is made to play with our mp3 player.
In the example we have taken the Shoutcast IP then the port number, hence we have the following:
Now the Mp3 player cannot play this without the url ending without the mp3 characters at the end, so to do this we simply add this:
This is now in a format that the Mp3 player will recognize, this will work with any shoutcast stream. Remember, you only need the IP and the Port number, and as long as you enter
/;stream.nsv&type=mp3 it will play.
The XEON was not designed to stream SHOUTcast streams therefore the counters will behave strangely, using the above method.