Originally Posted by SashaCPF
Excellent add-on! :up:
I'm getting only one "complaint" from my members though. They would like to reduce the "hang time". I have to admit it is currently annoying me a bit as well. Moving the cursor over the tabs triggers the drop down menu (which is great!) but then the menu "hangs" for a few seconds longer once the cursor is moved away. Any way to adjust the code so the drop down menu goes away as soon as the cursor is moved off of it? I know... it seems petty and truly, I am already almost used to it but some of my members can't seem to get past it.
Thanks in advance 
Hi SashaCPF
Thanks for the kind words, i understand that perhaps member may get a bit funny about the menu delay but depending on how complicated menus can be i've set the default speed at half a sec (500 millisec's) you can adjust this at the end of the menu code
<!-- Create Menu Settings: (Menu ID, Is Vertical, Show Timer, Hide Timer, On Click (options: 'all' * 'all-always-open' * 'main' * 'lev2'), Right to Left, Horizontal Subs, Flush Left, Flush Top) -->
<script type="text/javascript">qm_create(0,false,0,500,false,false,false,false,false);</script>
Just change the red 500 for 200 or even 100, that will make it quicker, let me know how you got on
Remember, Lets keep them Members happy
Have a Great Weekend