I'd like to find a way to display/feature
latest comments from member blogs, preferably on my
CMPS, but if necessary in my
forum index. Because CMPS is not set up to draw from the blogs, I created an RSS feed that displays the latest blog entries on the forum index. It's limited in that it doesn't draw either views or comments from the blogs themselves.
1. Is there a way to modify my existing RSS feed to show views/comment from the actual blogs?
2. If not, is there a way to create a separate feed for comments in the RSS forum I created?
I hope that's enough info, if not please let me know. Thanks in advance.
CMPS 3.0.1
vBulletin 3.7.1
vbBlog 1.0.5
Disregard, with apologies. Didn't do
my homework.