Yep, I've seen this one:
It doesn't really give any details about the post data manager though.
I also found this:
But couldn't make any sense of anything there in terms of what method(s) to use to actually add a post, and what the arguments to those method(s) are.
I hadn't seen the articles section before though, although I did try several searches on the whole of the forums, and didn't really come up with anything. I'll have a proper look through that section
Edit: Just had a look through there and found nothing for ImpEx at all, but one article about how to create new posts using a data manager. Although I can't actually see the code because I haven't got a licence yet, and based on the comments on it, I'm not sure if it's actually going to be that useful. But I'm tempted to just go ahead and buy a licence anyway, and hope that there might be some code or comments somewhere within the vBulletin package that I can use as a base to figure out how to do it