There isn't a way to "upload" new fonts. There are only a few
"web-safe" fonts, which are pretty much all available in default vBulletin drop-down lists.
[font="courier"]hey, I'm writing in courier[/font]
[font="impact"]now I'm writing in impact[/font]
[font="tahoma"]gotta love Tahoma.[/font]
[font="verdana"]but not Verdana... Verdana is a cheap rip off of Tahoma.[/font]
[font="Comic Sans MS"]Comic Sans MS!!![/font]
Results in...
hey, I'm writing in Courier
now I'm writing in Impact
gotta love Tahoma.
but not Verdana... Verdana is a cheap rip off of Tahoma.
Comic Sans MS!!!
But I'm going to show you a non-web-safe font...
This is Helvetica CE, it isn't available on default Windows installations, so you won't see a difference unless you've got it installed.
However it does work for me. I see a huge difference from the previous sentence and this one.
As you can see, adding fonts to a drop-down list for editors can be "dangerous". Some fonts aren't available on all computers, so don't go crazy with it. While you can tell it to use any font in the world, the font won't display to anyone unless that font is installed.
If bbCode is enabled in your shoutbox, then the font bbCode should work for them. They can specify any font, even non-web-safe fonts. However, only people with the fonts installed will see the font (try to stick with
web-safe fonts).
As for modifying the drop down menu for what font to use, you'll have to find that for yourself. Your shoutbox probably isn't using any standard templates, so we can't really help - ask the maker of your shoutbox.
To add the fonts to your advanced editor for regular posts and such...
AdminCp -> Styles and Templates -> Style Manager -> (Style Drop Down Menu) Toolbar Menu Options