Originally posted by dabean
Signature Image Management System (file based)
Updated: 21 Sep 2001, 03:26:32 AM BST
This hack allows users to upload a image or images that they can then use as part of the thier signature. All uploaded images are private to the user that uploaded them.
The hack requires that you have PHP 4.0.3 or newer for the upload functions to work correctly.
The scripts can if enabled also prevent users from externally linking to the images they uploaded, please note this is done by HTTP_REFERER checking not all http servers or browsers support this however is more widely supported than Apache's mod_rewrite. Should you wish to stop deep linking then upload a image called badcontent.gif to your forums directory.
Further more instructions are provided in how to get this hack to work if you are using vBulletin's standard sig editor or a advanced sig editor hack.
Users of vBulletin's standard sig editor should follow the instructions in install_vbstandard.txt
Users of a advanced sig editor should follow the instructions in install_advancededitor.txt
Version 1.01
Released 20th sept 2001
- vBulletin 2.0.3
- PHP 4.0.3+ (this hack has not been tested on PHP 3.0.17, it may or may not work)
- HTTP Server that supports HTTP_REFERER, (Apache 1.2+, IIS 4+)
- badcontent.gif in your forum directory
Screenshots can be found in the zip file.
i downloaded from here but it does not work.