Originally Posted by Quantnet.org
I'm not sold on the 10 scale idea. Either a post is useful or not helpful. There is no such thing as 80% helpful.
Going back to 1.4.2
Well it totally depends on what question you are asking the readers. Let me try some examples:
"Is this anwser helpful for you?". The multi-choice answer would be: Not helpful at all, some what helpful, helpful, very helpful or totally satisfied. In the same idea, multiple choice answer can be from 1 (not helpful/useful at all) to 10 (totally satisfied). And all kind of other stuffs you want to put in instead of yes or no.
After all, as Ted_S already said, it's up to the forum owner to decide which option, binary or multi-level scales, to use.
@Ted_S: Really appreciate your effort in making this mod more flexible and more powerful. I will test and let you know my feed back soon this weekend.