Originally Posted by djbaxter
1. You need to update the URL in the product file to point to this thread instead of the old 3.7 version thread.
2. I found a Leeds, Manchester, England registration in the moderation queue this morning although "GB" was in the approved countries list. I had the latest zone files but on checking discovered that the IP address ( was not included in the gb.zone file. Added it manually with a text editor and notified the IP Deny site.
What messages if any are displayed/sent to a new registrant who is placed in the moderation queue as a result of this add-on?
They are the same product. The next version will be updated for only the latest version.
IPDeny updates their zones daily so it is good practice to download them periodically. If someone has an IP with no country associated with it, it will default them to moderation.
They are shown the standard message all users receive who are moderated.