Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd
I'm using 3.8.1 and get the same no [More] just [], i had this before using sunrise2006 Quick Editor improver and still have it afterwards....smilies aren't important for me, i just mentioned it for your information.
I'm getting the same problem on my forms, [] instead of [more] on the smilies, I'm running 3.8.1vbulletin and 3.6beta of forms, I have extra smilies installed.
On the
Edit Form section of the Edit page, when I try to "Increase Size" on the
Description: text box it doesn't work. All other text boxes allow me to increase their sizes, I've tried this on 3 different computers running IE7, IE8 and Firefox, it doesn't work on any of them.
Also, when installing from 2.8 to 3.6 my Advanced Navbar Links dissappeared from my navbar template, I had to re-install the product and restore the database links to get them back. Does the installation modify any templates?
Apart from those problems, it's working fine