Originally Posted by thelulz
When I report something, in the control panel there is no open or closed reports. :S
I RE:'d your e-mail too but I post here aswell anywayz
Originally Posted by me
This is odd, on my live forum which was never used for testing after I installed 0.91 it worked fine, judging from your first e-mail it looks like distance's advanced post reports might not have been removed properly... I'm thinking that there might be a plugin left over that is interfering with my mod. is anything being created in the database? if the notification count changes then the reports are in the DB but aren't being returned, could you possibly crack out phpMyAdmin and have a look? there are three tables used... pprmReports pprmComments and pprmOptions, it's pretty obvious what each one is for
are your runninng 3.8.1? if you are it may be something to do with that cos we're still running 3.8
Also would be nice if anyone can confirm if this works on 3.8.1.