Originally Posted by scottct1
Ok I got the bright idea to make the icon show on the postbit but when you click on it have it take you to the user profile.
I wanted to put the code for the button in the profile so this way the bots can't harvest users email addresses since user profiles are blocked from bots in the .htaccess file.
However when I put the code in the user profile the fields are not being pulled. I can't figure out why its not parsing the fields in the user profile. But as an example the working code in the postbit for the picture is http://www.yourforum.com/images/drinks/beer.png however when the page is being displayed its not parsing and coming up with http://www.yourforum.com/images/drinks/.png
I have made a security patch which will disable the status bar. Several Members have expressed concerns with the fact that when you hover with your cursor over the drinks icon the members paypal add is displayed in the Status Bar.
Concerns were made about email harvesters and spammers, and as a responsible Developer Please Find below a security patch which you will need to add at the bottom of the Postbit template that your using, Just copy and paste, right at the bottom.
function hidestatus(){
return true
if (document.layers)
document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER | Event.MOUSEOUT)
This will disable the Staus bar and prevent anyone viewing details, however once the Beer icon has been clicked and the page reverts to the paypal payment page, then the link will be shown.
Please continue reporting any bugs and we'll fix them accordindly
Thanks buddy