Originally Posted by kronnos
Is it possible to display the chatbox in custom possitions then just the default above and below? Is there some code I could paste in where I want to display?
For exp: I like the option of displaying on forum home below but not exactly where the default position is, i want it a bit lower because it slightly make my template look broken as is. Where can I find that code to move it a little but still be able to control it?
You can do that by using the "style issue fix" explained in the readme.
Even if you don't have style issue this will let you add it wherever you want.
Originally Posted by DigitALL
VB, I apologize if I offended you. I am just frustrated because I never had such a problem. As I mentioned, I used your product previously with no problem and had been very happy about it.
That's ok
Originally Posted by DigitALL
I read all pages and I found at least 10 posts stating the same problem. Then I wanted to register to http://www.forumcoding.com/ and was not accessible this morning. I have this problem from about two weeks and I tried everything.
Yes server was down, but no it's fine.
Originally Posted by DigitALL
I noticed that when I post a chat, it does not appear, if I try again it tells me "a chat in progress" but if I try to post again after 10 minutes or so, it displays both chats, so it is inconsistent.
That's strange, coz currently I went on your website and chatbox runs smoothly, chats are refreshed and sent without any issue in Firefox.
Originally Posted by powersilie
Hi VBDev!
Perhaps You know why it only works with this code?? If I change it it doesn't appear at all.
You shouldn't use two $ that's totally uneeded.
Perhaps you put the wrong code in the template ?
Originally Posted by MotMann
Sorry, that is not correct. All Admins i know have Problems with Vers. 2,x
They all mean, to slow, to big and full of Bugs.
The best testet Version is 1.5 here.
Runs on 3.8 xxx easy an fast. And displayed in online.php an other sides. Simply, the best one 
It's like you were comparing a french "2 Chevaux" with a recent BMW ...
Originally Posted by Ranger187
That I think is addded up top (go look), or it's part of the branded free option. But let VBDev verify. He's looking at adding it to the side. But you gotta give him time to reply bro. Not only does he make/support multiple products and support them well, but he's also got a life too.
And vBulletin coding is not my job at all
I have : a job (digital electronic engineer), a own company who sale electronic boards, and vbulletin ...

and a life
Originally Posted by Ranger187
I've been using this product since he released it (before the EVO one) and if you read through the pages of posts, results happen. But you can't expect results from a post like yours. "It stopped working" helps zilch bro. Did you get any errors? If you start up firefox error console, do you see any? Does it not work for just a few, etc etc? See what I mean.
Agreed !
Originally Posted by Ranger187
If it just stopped, maybe someone changed usergroup permissions. It's looking more and more like vb 3.8.1 is causing the issues.
Yes and the issue doesn't come from the chatbox. Other ajax functionnalities are touched.
We were having this problem on forumcoding and were forced to deactivate zlib due to that ... But no answer from Jelsoft team