Originally Posted by joe1989
Pedro... Did you see the bugs I listed with the email?? You didn't respond, so I wasn't sure if you saw them!!
Ah, no, I somehow overlooked them, eep. Are you running it with e-mail enabled? If so might be something to do with my somewhat cumbersome solution to overriding the e-mail setting. I'll pop over to the .com forums later and request a new hook location and have a look if I've accidentally unset any of the arrays/variables the e-mail code uses. The reason it works in the CP is that the e-mail reporting is run after the hook that the mod uses.
As for the reported content thing, what was it you were reporting and what browser are you using? Does it work for any other reports and what was the content of the post? Also do you get any javascript errors? lol use Ctrl + Shift + J in Firefox to check or if you're using IE the click the triangle in the bottom-left of the tab.