Originally Posted by kronnos
Can someone please help me with the above request? I really would want to know if there there is a way to move the chatbox.
That I think is addded up top (go look), or it's part of the branded free option. But let VBDev verify. He's looking at adding it to the side. But you gotta give him time to reply bro. Not only does he make/support multiple products and support them well, but he's also got a life too.
Originally Posted by elpida
i was going to buy a branded free.. but it stopped with within a few hours after install.  (
I've been using this product since he released it (before the EVO one) and if you read through the pages of posts, results happen. But you can't expect results from a post like yours. "It stopped working" helps zilch bro. Did you get any errors? If you start up firefox error console, do you see any? Does it not work for just a few, etc etc? See what I mean.
If it just stopped, maybe someone changed usergroup permissions. It's looking more and more like vb 3.8.1 is causing the issues.
Originally Posted by MotMann
Sorry, that is not correct. All Admins i know have Problems with Vers. 2,x
They all mean, to slow, to big and full of Bugs.
The best testet Version is 1.5 here.
Runs on 3.8 xxx easy an fast. And displayed in online.php an other sides. Simply, the best one 
You are comparing something that's been out for how long, through how many revisions to a totally new re-coded chat? He recoded this from the ground up, give it time. Nothing is bug free. I've been on 2.10 and I've stayed there for a reason. I've learned from being a Network Admin, you don't install the latest until it's been tested and out for a while. I'd revert to 2.0.2 or 2.1.0 before 1.5.
By people reporting bugs/issues, gets results. Do you think builds before 1.5 were stable and fast?