Originally Posted by Trek
Are you using vBA or a custom style? I had the same problem and it was due to the custom replacement variables being used in my style, combined with vBA. Basically, I had to go into the vBA setup again (the installer, you can rerun it) and select the images rebuild. It'll show you what paths are wrong. Then you manually edit those to point to the smilies. The easiest way to find out this was the problem is that if you looked at the archive, the smilies appeared, but not in the main chat box.
Anyway, hope that helps, I got zero support for the problem here, but finally figured it out myself.
Thanks very much for your post. Yes, we are running a custom style.
Do you know why its only a few users who are unable to see the smileys? I'd have thought a problem like the above with paths being wrong would affect all users of the board?