i got to do more testing on my test board. if i disable several of my other mods, this works no prob. with them and this then i get white pages. take this back off and then some of my other mods start conflicting again.
im sure my probs are unrelated to yours arnyvee. my server guy told me that the server is in need of some upgrading which may or may not be related to any of my problems.
disable your other mods one by one and see if this starts working for you. im just lost on where and why it conflicts and seems to react differently on different boards. i know it shares a global_start hook location with several other mods i have and also a template_groups hook location with a couple. it may not just be a single conflict but only when several other conflicting mods are installed with it.
im gonna keep reading this thread and hopefully you guys can teach me somethin cause i know very little about this stuff.