Originally Posted by DigitALL
Any tester would have a limited patience in trying things out... and that makes me a frustrated person.
I am using this chat box since version 0.4, then upgraded to 0.7x, then to version 1.0 and finally now at version 2.2.1
All versions except the last one worked without any problem for me and now I am wondering why I have upgraded from version1 to version2, just to have more headaches?
I am struggling with version 2 from more than two weeks and perhaps you understand why my patience is at its limits.
1. I have the well known "Loading..." message that apparently tons of other users have it and so far, none got a straight answer to the problem other than to refresh the cache...
If I refresh the screen few times, eventually it will display. It is inconsistent. For that reason, nobody is posting anymore in my forum.
Why the previous versions would work and not this one? Isn't that obviously a problem with this "Loading..." message? How I could call it an "evolving software" (as per your words) when in fact, beside few more options, overall it works worse than previous versions?
I run vB 3.8.1, I know to refresh my cache, using few browsers on different platforms.
I follow info to the letter, I verified myself few times, I have a clean forum with few hacks installed that is running smoothly with no errors (except the ChatBox).
I tried to install it few times, the same result.
Do you have a real solution for "Loading"? What should I do? Should I downgrade to version 1.0? Do I need to take any special measures if I want to downgrade?
This is not "a whell known" problem, most of the users are having it working.
Only users that have it not working complains
And by the way man keep calm and keep the bold font for you ...
In 2.x.x versions I have moved the whole javascript to yui to be compliant with vBulletin that's all.
If you are having loading issue that could be due to anything, and saying "Ho man I have a loading issue and bla bla bla this is bad bla bla bla" is not a way of resolving things out.
Most of the time it's a cache refreshing problem and if I am saying this each time it's because most of the users don't read the previous posts ...
Anyway, please send me by pm a test account to your forum and I'll have a look.
I also need ftp and admin account accesses in order to see what could cause this.