Originally Posted by Brad
If you're having problems finding the code throwing the error you probably shouldn't be poking around in the files in the first place. At the very least you shouldn't be acting all high and mighty and calling my thread "shit".
Try asking nicely for help, and add a please, and include full error messages and I'll try to help you.
Yes I'm an ass hole, but only when provoked. I'm pretty friendly if you come at me with respect.
You have an error in one of your plug-ins at the hook located at line 1259 of /includes/functions.php.
Open functions.php and locate that line, on it you'll find a line of code similar to this one:
PHP Code:
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('hook_name')) ? eval($hook) : false;
In the above example "hook_name" is the name of the hook location we need to find.
Once you have the name of the hook location go into the plug-in manager in the admincp and find all plug-ins using that location. The code throwing the error is located in one of them.
Thank you Brad, the info you posted help me sort a problem I had put up with for a while