Originally Posted by lasto
Yep i understand what u saying - its just the company.Min 200 euros (some admin may take 6-12 months to make this amount).So in that time this company has sat on that money and made interest off it.KK it dont sound so bad if its just one person waiting but think about it if they had 500 admins waiting or even 2000.It soon adds up.
Has anyone actually recieved any money from this company for payments they have recieved.
I think when you sign up to something like this you need to remember its in addition to accepting paypal, and that your targeting a group of members that don't paypal.
I would be more tended to add this as an additional option to payment and not worry too much about getting the funds right away, If your site does small micro payment items then it will be a nice bonus when you finally get your payment, either way its not intended to replace existing payment methods. Except to allow member that would not of been able to buy, take an active role in the forums