Originally Posted by jlew24asu
the only thing I would suggest is a flavicon. :up:
I will do it, was planning to, just cant seem to get time.
Originally Posted by kevcj
Blue font and black background do not go well with each other. The font colors of "Last Post Threads Posts" blend into the background too much.
I kind of like how it looks but do agree the unread posts and the ones that are read are too similar, will try and sort it out.
Originally Posted by kevcj
Change the "powered by" phrase to something besides vbulletin.
I did it, thank you. Without your comment i would have never thought of that, never have given it much thought. lol
Originally Posted by kevcj
Add the word forum to the end of your meta description, like this - "Welcome to the *Infinite Gamers* community forum" This will give you the keywords of gamers and forum together where google can see them.
Thank you for that too, this is my first vBulletin encounter so i still find these kind of comments very useful. Nice one.
Originally Posted by kevcj
I would not mind joining, but the colors conflict too much.
Too bad mate, i like getting new members, it is not about color, it's about games and fun. Think about it again, come join. You'll meet some nice people there.
Originally Posted by cheat-master30
I do like infinite gamers personally, I think the style generally goes well, and there aren't any problems with any forums being empty or the like. Got to like how you've also edited the FAQ and images, way too many forums don't seem to bother to do that.
Thanks mate, FAQ was actually the first thing i changed.
Originally Posted by cheat-master30
Secondly, change the smilies (and BB code). The smilies have a horrible outline on your site's darker style, and to be honest, vBulletin's default smilies are plain bad anyway. Lots of good ones to download from vBulletin.org. This and BB code is mainly however just my personal gripe with quite a few forums.
Finally, edit this image:
Your other icons look great, but the white outline on this clashes horribly with the style. It's really a minor problem though, and could easily just be fixed in a few minutes.
But nice job overall!
I have changed the icon, cheers for pointing to that.
I will replace smilies when i get some time, but, what about BB code? What should be done there?
Thank you for your replies everyone. Looking forward to seeing some more.
P.S. Sorry for the long post.