Originally Posted by nexialys
i am not incorrect... you can provide a large list of clients without naming the few who are anonymous...
in real life, are you confident with someone with no references at all ?!
and btw, the same with the coder, we can not have confidence in clients we do not know... "rarely", we will hear from a coder who was scammed by a client who never paid... but i can tell that a lot of people who were referred to me were just morons who had no idea of the job they were requesting... i now refuse any referred client, even from persons with good reputation, because i do the search myself and i want the clients to be clean...
oh, and Shelley, i'm not talking about a small job, a 5$ hack do not require to have a clean portfolio of tons of clients... just be honest with the client and you will have positive answers... but when a client comes with a 5000$ contract, that's different.
you sneaked that paragraph in but you shouldn't insult my intelligence nex, I'm not referring to 5$ jobs. I could point to 10 people who have references and links to existing clients who would happily speak good of them who have scammed and continue to do so, stole databases and will tell you what you want to hear that might cut it for you but it does for me. Simply because you won't supply a client with existing work you've done doesn't make them liars. I've worked with 4 clients who require to remain anonymous for the work i do for them so when another client asks for existing references i will not supply it simply because i'm bound to respect my ongoing clients wishes. The whole point being, simply because someone will take a job that doesn't provide references doesn't make them liars infact, most people around who do provide those squeaky clean references and link to existing clients/portfolios have scammed people here stealing their databases, selling their sites and then a few months later revert back to using the same database the same one the sold.
Originally Posted by lasto
Good question - do u relize how easy it is for someone to take your database and either upload it elsewhere for others to have or even sell it.
Ive seen Databases on the net with thousands of ready made members should you wish to add them to your board.
I know, which is why i posted the above. and, if a squeaky clean reference by their friends and a portfolio is enough to hire someone then go right ahead. I will do a background check on anyone with/without portfolios references amongst other precautions