Originally Posted by Roms
My buddies Sting Ray was getting very large for his 220gal so we moved all the fish into his 400gal. Now the Sting Ray is huge (massive!), it goes up and down the walls and loves it in their. He put black sand in the tank.
About 15 years ago I bought a Clown Knife, they were new to the petshops so they didn't have a lot of info for me... sad news is when I found out they were nocturnal and killed anything that would fit in their mouths. So all I had left in that tank was him and the oscar. Now it's nice with the internet because you can look up information to check compatibility..
When you do your 350 setup you should use sand and no undergravel filter (which is probably what your doing now I would guess?)...
Does he feed his by hand? That's the only way I can make sure mine is getting enough to eat lol..
I've never had a problem with my Knife attacking the other fish (well, he does fight with one of the Oscars from time to time, usually over the last gold fish lol).. all of the fish I have in there now were all purchased about the same time, so they all grew up together.. I purposely bought the Angels a little larger than the rest as they take awhile to get big and was worried that the knife might go after them... I'm most proud of my Jacks.. they are the most beautiful deep blue with just a tad bit of green in them..
I agree with you about the Net.. its been a big help to me. I am also spoiled because one of my high school buddies that I grew up with Owns a Pet Store and specializes in Fish, so I have access to expert help when needed (specially in emergencies)..
Yes, I used crushed coral sand in both tanks... Cichlids and undergravel filters do not work well together (as you well know) lol