Anyone here have an aquarium? I currently have two, a 75 gallon (283.90 Liters) and a 55 gallon (208.19 Liters). I do have a few more tanks in storage, but I just don't have the time for them right now...
Anyhow in my 55gal I have Central and South American Cichlids (Jack Dempsey, Convict, Firemouth, Green Terror, Sevrum). They are very Aggressive.
My 75gal has African Cichlids from Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika. Semi Aggressive to Very Aggressive.
Cichlid , common name for members of the family Cichlidae, several hundred species of spiny-finned freshwater fishes of moderate or small size, native to Africa, S Asia, Mexico, and Central and South America. Cichlids are found in tropical waters, where they occupy the same ecological niche as their colder-water relatives, the sunfishes . The larger species are food fish of some importance, and small species are popular as aquarium fish. Cichlids are noted for the care they give their young; the eggs are laid in a basin hollowed in the sand and, until they hatch, are stored in the mouth of either the male or the female, depending on the species. Cichlids are classified in the phylum Chordata , subphylum Vertebrata, class Osteichthyes, order Perciformes, family Cichlidae.
I've attached a few pictures of my African Cichlids (side view of tank so you can see more of them at once). When you see the picture I'm sure I'll get "That's a lot of fish in your tank". Yes, the more African Cichlids you have in a tank the better, they are less aggressive in large groups with lots of places to hide... you just need to over do it on the filtration to keep it clean.