Originally Posted by manubi oranges
Where do I add a link to the center or right side of the splash? I can't find the code to add a link to my store. The left is already linked to the forum home, but I can't find where to add a link to the center or right.
Thanks in advance! Skin looks great!
I don't do custom work but will help you out in saying:
I built the header in a table so all you need to do is copy how the HTML is written for the link on the left side and add your link to the right site. You will probably want to add your banner or graphic to the hmsplashright.jpg image. Or just add a banner and center it right under the header with a link, that would look nice.
HTML Code:
<td align="right" ><a href="YOURLINK" target="_self"><img border="0" src="/forum/images/heavy_metal/hm/hmsplashright.jpg" width="187" height="158"></a></td>