Originally Posted by Shelley_c
4 of my big clients like to remain anonymous, and, I would not give out their names and/or credentials or direct people to the work I've done (still do) for them. Doesn't make me a liar. Simply makes you incorrect. 
i am not incorrect... you can provide a large list of clients without naming the few who are anonymous...
in real life, are you confident with someone with no references at all ?!
and btw, the same with the coder, we can not have confidence in clients we do not know... "rarely", we will hear from a coder who was scammed by a client who never paid... but i can tell that a lot of people who were refered to me were just morons who had no idea of the job they were requesting... i now refuse any referred client, even from persons with good reputation, because i do the search myself and i want the clients to be clean...
oh, and Shelley, i'm not talking about a small job, a 5$ hack do not require to have a clean portfolio of tons of clients... just be honest with the client and you will have positive answers... but when a client comes with a 5000$ contract, that's different.