We're having the same problem. 14 spammers reported banned while I was sleeping last night.
I have No Spam! installed and I changed all the questions and answers a few days ago. We use email verification too. Many of them upload avatars as well.
We've been banning IP's as it happens, along with some wildcards for the worst offenders who post porn from similar ip's.
Help? My forum is drowning in this garbage, I had to add 5 new mods to handle the influx.
We had minimal spam problems over the last year, suddenly dozens and dozens in the past week. and they don't seem to be bots.
Is there a way of moderating posts for new users already somewhere in the ACP or do I need to set up new usergroups and install hacks/scripts to achieve that? It would be handy to be able to moderate all new posts from new users, then once one of their posts was approved as being legit, they would automatically move to the unmoderated group. Possible?
I'm looking at the anti spam hacks here but one is in the graveyard and the other doesn't seem to be the solution I need. Suggestions for others I might be missing?
EDIT: I see the Moderate New Members option in the Registration options.... playing with that now, will report back. Can someone please tell me the best settings for the "Users Awaiting Moderation" usergroup to optimize this?