Originally Posted by Falon
I have got ready installed this mod. But in my AdminCP when i going to Manage commands, Manage channels, View logs, Import scripts, Counters update i see only white page on my right side of AdminCP.
Mod is working. I can see on forum and using. But without Import scripts, Manage channels is not good for me.
I don't understand ? You mean there is an error when you try to use theimport script ?
Or is it the counter ?
Originally Posted by nath89
when i enable the chatbox nothing comes up on my homepage at all. just a blank screen?
Well that's strange, the chatbox should block the display of the forum.
Any error when the forum behave like that ? (SQL you would have received by email or javascript in firefox console)
Originally Posted by acegames
I had this , so I switched off new post/thread notification until its fixed
Well seems like you're using not the right files are you with 2.2.1 ?
Originally Posted by hornstar1337
Hopefully it will be fixed soon my members have been wanting this for so long, and I can't keep installing it and just having to disable it minutes later after each bug.
Well there are currently no blocking bugs as far as I know ?