I am getting a very similar error ... except that my MySQL version is 5.0.51a-log
I first installed noedit version and had to uninstall it due to this error.
I then, installed 2edit version and edited the group.php as advised; same error...
I have disabled the MOD but if this can be fixed or pointed out why such an error is occuring, that would be a great help.
Originally Posted by alehawk
It doesnt work
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS groups,
CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(club.groupid ORDER BY club.visible DESC, club.name) AS CHAR(255)) AS postgroups,
CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(club.groupid ORDER BY club.discussions DESC, club.name) AS CHAR(255)) AS topicgroups,
CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(club.groupid ORDER BY club.picturecount DESC, club.name) AS CHAR(255)) AS picsgroups,
CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(club.groupid ORDER BY club.members DESC, club.name) AS CHAR(255)) AS hotgroups,
CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(club.groupid ORDER BY club.dateline DESC, club.name) AS CHAR(255)) AS newgroups,
CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(club.groupid ORDER BY club.lastupdate DESC, club.name) AS CHAR(255)) AS activegroups
FROM socialgroup AS club WHERE club.groupid IS NOT NULL;
MySQL Error : Table 'adforop_000032.socialgroup' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Sunday, February 8th 2009 @ 02:56:10 PM
Error Date : Sunday, February 8th 2009 @ 02:56:10 PM
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.32-Debian_7etch8-log
For some reason didnt add the table prefix to the query, it will query from table socialgroup instead of myprefix_socialgroup.
Can that be fixed?