There are a lot of things that you can do to improve your cPanel box. What are you server specs? And how many sites do you have running on the box? Also, do you plan on trying to resell hosting using cPanel or is it only for your needs?
You can start by recompiling Apache + PHP using EasyApache. Create a new profile, enable all the options that you need, add in the mpm prefork option for Apache, and let it recompile. You'd be wise to install XCache also, you have to do it manually, and each time you recompile Apache in WHM you'll have to go to your php.ini and move the location of the xcache zend_extension up to the top of the list otherwise php will segfault.
Install CSF, you have already, along with rkhunter, and chkrootkit. You'll need to optimize MySQL also.
There is more to do that I can summarize in one post, PM me if you want more info.
Also, since you have CSF installed, log into WHM > Plugins > ConfigServer Security&Firewall. Run the "Check Server Security" tool. It'll help you out with a bit of stuff that you can do, but it is by no means a subsitute for everything.