You need to make sure that the code in the "Custom Rule" sections are not altered except to change the URL of your arrows, Just check both of them, one is directly below the other.
/*"""""""" Custom Rule""""""""*/
ul#qm0 li .qmparent
background-position:97% 50%;
also the "Add on Core"
// Item Bullets Add On
a.ibullets_apply_to = "parent";
a.ibullets_main_image = "";
a.ibullets_main_image_width = 6;
a.ibullets_main_image_height = 8;
a.ibullets_main_position_x = -16;
a.ibullets_main_position_y = -4;
a.ibullets_main_align_x = "right";
a.ibullets_main_align_y = "middle";
a.ibullets_sub_image = "";
a.ibullets_sub_image_width = 6;
a.ibullets_sub_image_height = 8;
a.ibullets_sub_position_x = -12;
a.ibullets_sub_position_y = -2;
a.ibullets_sub_align_x = "right";
a.ibullets_sub_align_y = "middle";
Just make sure you havn't changed any of the setting in there.
Hope that helps