to show Turkish letters in URLs you should edit a funciton in
forum home -> includes -> functions_zseo.php
function zseo_cleaned_string($string) definition and change this function to this:
PHP Code:
function zseo_cleaned_string($string)
global $vbulletin;
$bit = iif($vbulletin->options['zointsseo_url_separator'], '_', '-');
turker - fix start ----------------------------------------------------
$find = array('?','?','Ş','İ','I','Ğ','?');
$replace = array('?','?','ş','i','ı','ğ','?');
$string = str_replace($find,$replace,$string);
$string=iconv("ISO-8859-9", "UTF-8",$string);
turker - fix end ------------------------------------------------------
$string = strtolower($string);
$string = unhtmlspecialchars($string);
$string = str_replace("'", '', $string);
$words = preg_split("#[^a-z0-9]#", $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$words = zseo_strip_stopwords($words, $bit);
$words = zseo_limit_keywords($words, $bit);
return implode($bit, $words);
-Take a look at
iconv usage.
-If your forum and local charset(which includes local characters, here is iso-8859-9) are same, delete the iconv lines.