did you try a emulation running a server on a desktop
then install both vb and joomla onto the localhost
before doing the real deal..
I recomend trying a emulation of vb and joomla in same dir, both fresh installs
i got both installed on my computer, runs fine but they are in seperate folders.
so that wont help you.
To setup a "easy" server for testing purposes
i recommend
get the version for your system, install, and after that open control panel and
click start, alternatly use the lancher. and your server is running
just copy joomla and vb into the folder named :/Xampp/Htdocs/
thats your website "root" folder, and then as links in your browser use
well http is not nessesary, but it was en exsample.
takes 5 min to install Xampp, max.
5 mins for vb
5 mins for joomla..
proberly faster if just hitting the next botton like me
so that would make you to be able to test it within 15-20mins
instead waiting several days for someone else to try out