Hello all, good news and bad news, I am back on the scene, that's the good news.
Yup, I was registered as ChaosBurnt, that's right it's me, I didn't want to continue with that username and renewing the license under that name just got all weird on me. The bad news is I have a long way to go in setting my new site up, I've just today purchased a new license (?63 these days for a new license, it nearly caused me to not bother, talk about stitched up!)
I'm going to have to re-post all of my designs here under my new name unless a moderator here would be kind enough to transfer the threads to my new username. If any moderator wants to confirm I am who I say I am then just reply here saying as much, you could then PM me under ChaosBurnt and I can reply to the PM in that account.
Anyway, the new site is here:
Like I say, I have a long way to go in setting it all up again and of course updating all of my designs and making a few corrections by the looks of things.