Originally Posted by allinvain
I'm having the same issue as Jaxel. Some username characters do not work (ie "^"). Also header images do not work on thread display. See example:
When I try to view the header image I get the following error:
Page Not Found!f2-introduce-yourself/curves/c1_03.jpg
I did modify config.php to include the "curves" theme directory but no go..
I disabled it btw as this is a production forum and I can't have any bugs popping up.
Add the following code into your yabbseo/data/config.php:
PHP Code:
'image:' =>
array (
0 => 'background\\-',
1 => 'url',
2 => '\\(',
3 => '\\>',
4 => '1',
PHP Code:
'import' =>
array (
0 => '\\@',
1 => 'url',
2 => '\\(',
3 => '\\"',
4 => '1',