Not sure what the confusion is, Iframes are so easy to add, I did these ideas for a few sites using Iframes
Sponsor of the Week- Affiliate site with Iframe on Forum home the full width of the site by 200 pixels, Got this particular website admin 35+ refferals and 22 sales in a week
Website review - A thread started by an admin and closed to posting showing members websites in each post
Live Adverts- Various adverts scattered around the site, Instead of banners, Use Iframes to view the site, Admin gets Commision on sales and referals
IFrame BBcode - dependant on what type of site you have, You can allow your members to add Iframes to their site with a Simple BBcode
Those are just 4 examples that i've used Iframes, if theres enough interest i'll explain more on how to do it for your site