Originally Posted by Adeawan
Not Working On My Forum
I put the url and it jst shows the url thats it.
With all the respect in the world here for this posting member but wishing to use this as an oppertunity to teach, Please read this post and tell me what possibility does the coder or anyone have to respond to this poster with any relevent information or reply?
You can read it and see it is a one liner type post with 0 information about what is not working. We can assume it was made in the correct forum and is about AME but we may be wrong about that even.
We understand the poster seems to have some issue with something not working.
The poster however failed to take the time to document anything about anything.
- There is no mention of what is not working. eg. My ame version XX.x is not functioning. This is the functions in that version of AME that I am having an issue with.
- No mention of the forum version it is used on. Is this a Vbulletin forum as we assume and to remove all doubt why not just identify it by Version of the forum if not name and version.
- No mention of the specifics of what is not working.
- No url posted that is not working.
- No indication of what if anything the poster has done to trouble shoot the problem.
- NO screen shot or idenifying information of any kind that can help anyone to help the poster.
I wish to finally and respectfully say that it is unlearned and approaching rude to do this. Here we have a coder that has put in 100s to 1000s of hours building a fine program and here now when he is clearly on a limited schedule as indicated in "not supported" to support this product and you have one person jump up and conclude almost rudely that obviously something is wrong as it is a shared problem with many and not realizing that 1000's are using it successfully and the "Something Wrong" is the hand full that are not doing the things needed to make it run right and disrespecting the coder with casting aspersions of doubt on him and not knowing as they point one finger at the coder they are pointing 4 back at themselves.
Then we find that followed by this poster that either wishes no help or else is used to a mind reader helping them or a jelous lover with a remote spy on their box that magically fixes all the issues that come up as they can see them with the remote connect software and just does not tell them they are being spied on.
Maybe this person has none of the above but thinks the community or the coder can fix the unidenified problem with out any clue as to what the problem is.
So in summation here, if you wish to post an issue and you have any reasonable expectation of any valuable help then PLEASE post enough information to allow some one to assist you.
It is not nice to say this is not working and then summon the coder to have to go through an ardous process to dig out what is not working and then try to teach the person to hit one control and turn it on as he could do had this been idenified in the first post for help made and not 25 post later when he finally finds out what it is that is not working.