I tried the global variable statements. It made no difference. When I am inside of an VbAdvanced dynamics or links program, if I decide to go to another location on the navbar it gives me a blank browser page with a 404 statement.
Some of the links from with in Dynamics program will work. But others do not. Project Tools does but VbBlog does not. CMPS portal does. Now it seems that CMPS pages that I have made to be wrapped will work the others do not.
So my question is why is the dynamics program directory looking for the blog file inside of dynamics directory and not its proper location inside of the forums directory. I have made the proper forum location statment inside of dyna config.php file.
So can you help me get your fine navbar addition to work. I have 3.1 CMPS, Dynamics 1.1, Vb 3.8. installed
TC Topps