My grandmother was born in 1914. She had her first child just as the country was leaving the Great Depression. Her second as it was entering World War II. Her last child was born in 1961. So 10 children over roughly 30 years. In her lifetime, we learned how to fly, conquered near space, created computers, fought two world wars, the automobile became common place, moved out of the cities and accomplished a lot. At 90, she got her first email address. She got her own cellphone when she turned 92.
As her grandson, I am able to listen to her stories before they are claimed by Alzheimer's. I can then take them forward to new generations and impart the knowledge within them. Sure there are some things in the past that I would have liked to have seen but will have to experience them in hindsight and make sure the knowledge makes it to the future. There will be feats, disasters, and other major events that will define human progress and anguish over the next 50 years that I will get to experience as well. I will be able to pass what I have experienced to my children and grandchildren. They will then repeat the cycle.