Originally Posted by UncoderMom
Just as a side note, the large majority of infertility issues have nothing to do with genetics.
I mentioned other causes as well. Even in your link, the first set of causes are all genetically influenced. Disease, pollution, diet, exposure to toxins, abortions, and more can lead to infertility as well.
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Originally Posted by GSeybold
Ah what about all the sweet little children waiting to be adopted around the world? She couldn't have adopted 8 orphans? Oh wait, that wouldn't be lucrative would it?
Ah just so gross.
Adoptions are very costly as well. A friend of mine is trying to adopt three adorable young girls from Russia. The cost is $30,000 just for paperwork and transportation. They have raised about $8,000 so far through donations. The couple already has two kids of her own and two more kids that they adopted from Thailand.
In the United States, most women have moved to a "Pre-adoption" method where parents are picked out before the baby is born and the adoptive couple pays for the medical costs and care of the mother. I understand sometimes the mother is compensated a little for her time as well... Usually around $10,000. The children that are given up involuntarily are often damaged with health problems. Most people won't even consider one of these children for adoption because its simply better to have healthy children.
Then we get into surrogacy. Here the person rents their uterus for 10 months for an average of $50,000. There are too types of surrogacy... The first is where the person has an embryo implanted that is not genetically hers because the genetic mother cannot carry a child to term. The second is where the surrogate is the genetic mother and abdicates her parental rights and lets the father and his wife adopt. After they pay the fee of course. I can agree with the first type of surrogacy. The second seems an awful lot like selling children though.