Weather changes here every few hours,last 12 hours were @2.5C and hard rain,4 miles away they had snow all night.
Now back to -2C and 2 inches of snow has fallen in the last hour or so.

( Dorset South Coast UK).
--------------- Added [DATE]1233919287[/DATE] at [TIME]1233919287[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by Shelley_c
It doesn't normally. According to reports it's the worst we've had for 18 years (which I believe to be true). in england, we normally get snow around feb-april time which lasts, at most, a day or two.
Still snowing heavily here. Forecast in the south east was for rain but it's still snowing heavily outside as I type this post.
Funny how much it has changed here in the UK, snow was a winter feature most years and 1963 was spectacular.People managed to get on with their lives and walked miles to work through the snow,shops opened,businesses ran and many schools were open in very short order once the roads were cleared.
Road/railway clearance was done manually as the modern machines simply did not exist and people looked after their neighbours and friends to make sure they had food and heating etc. there was no double glazing or insulation in homes and most had no central heating either.
Now into the 21st century and we get 2 -4 inches of snow and the entire country grinds to a halt,roads/buses/railways are incapable of running. Shops ,businesses and schools are shut and the newspapers/TV news are acting as if the end of the world has come.The amount of hype and exageration they spew out is truly amazing.
This is what things looked like in 1963 and we have seen pictures this week from that winter showing the 12 foot deep snow in Wales, did life stop? No,everyone mucked in and got on with life.