There seems to have been a slight problem with the database, etc etc
I backed it up first and then started from scratch, still got the same error.
I admit I don't know anything about php, but I'm curious about the coding in the instructions. For example, you say to find:
PHP Code:
if ($post[hascustomavatar] and $avatarenabled) {
and replace with:
PHP Code:
if ($post[hascustomavatar] and $avatarenabled) {
if ($usefileavatar) $avatarurl=$fileavatarfolder . "/avatar$post[userid]_$post[avatarrevision].gif";
else $avatarurl="avatar.php?userid=$post[userid]";
As I say, I don't know PHP, but every instance I've seen of
else is enclosed as } else {, but not in your script. Could this cause the error?