Originally Posted by Sunka
Yep, but in that way is good to work only with guests...
If I make some message for registered members, they will be going crazy if message pop-up on every page they load. LOL
Two questions:
1. Sorry for stupid question, will that MOD confuze google spider and all other spiders in any way, when they index my forum (I do not know, so I ask)
2. Is there chance to create/alter this pop-up so we can have it in ACP and change messages there, and also option for cookie based session.
(Show pop-up to registered user, and when he close it...that is it).
Sorry for my english language... 
Hi You English is Fine, Better than some english people
As for the questions, I don't think the google spider or any other spider will worry that much, I've never heard anything about spiders having problems with popups.
Secondly, if all mods could go via the admin panel we'd be in heaven, That requires addition coding, xml files and the such, what i'm hoping to do later is go through all my hacks and see which ones i can update, but they are all simple template edits, I can't see the benefit to make them more complicated, but who knows i may get fed up and decide to have a go............ Watch this space.