Ever since I installed Ad Peeps code in my header for display of rotating banner ads, we've experienced a major increase in members that get logged out when they don't want to be logged out.... sometimes like every five minutes ! And they are clicking the "keep me logged in" box. It helps for a while to clear cookies but the problem returns after a day or two.
As for me, I get logged out maybe every couple days...when previously I was *never* logged out unless I did so intentionally. When the server is rebooted that seems to help for a few days, but it always comes back.
The Ad Peeps folks claim there is no way their software could be causing the problem and I hate to get rid of it as I really like the software.
So, bottom line is this is a minor irritant for most members but a major annoyance for some and seems to have no rhyme or reason as to who it effects...all browsers, all versions...but yet different effects for each computer.
Any ideas on why this is happening and a possible cure ?