Originally Posted by jscieza
Yes I know but my suggestion is to add an option to bypass this config and display the username of the original reporter.
I dont see the point, if you want the original reporter, turn off the fixed user in the existing vb options.
Originally Posted by jscieza
Finally, I think that a feature to enable/disable access to the misc.php?do=reported based on usergroups should be very useful also. Maybe someone want to make this information accesible only for staff.
This was designed to be accessible to everyone, so I dont think I'll be adding that anytime soon, if at all.
Originally Posted by jscieza
Quick question: when I click on the moderator name a new window is open with the reported post information. At the bottom line there is a 'Comment: No Reply Yet' text. What is the purpose of this text?
This is answered in the main post (staff comment).
A report is considered as actioned by the first staff member to reply in the report thread. The comments are read from that first post (by default it reads anything inside quote tags).