The spokeswoman didn't give too much away. 8 embryos implanted? Isn't this a little too much for a woman. I can't think of any woman in the uk receiving this amount. The risks are enormous (or could have been) giving birth to 8 children. I don't think there was financial gain in the beginning but from what the spokeswoman is saying (more importantly) not saying. Financial gain is the primary agenda.
Who will finance the children in the future? Will this be a case of taxpayers funding this family. If I'm not mistaken she's a single mother... personally, I think this should have been taken into account before she had the implants. She may very well think she can perform a great job as a mother but kids need a father figure (something a woman simply cannot do). On that part, she was selfish in that area and didn't really think of the long term impact.
IMO there were neglects and issues overlooked on both sides of the coin. I guess we will hear the full story when she gets the lump sum of money and lifetime supply of diapers.